Anti-Trump Republican Adam Kinzinger Publicly Backs Biden For Re-Election Ahead Of Presidential Debate


Former Republican Representative Adam Kinzinger has publicly endorsed President Joe Biden for re-election, bolstering the Democrat’s campaign.

What Happened: Kinzinger, a prominent critic of ex-President Donald Trump, has pledged his support to Biden, AP News reported on Thursday. This endorsement arrives as Biden aims to appeal to moderate Republicans and independents in the forthcoming election.

Kinzinger, an ex-military pilot, has previously voiced his concerns about Trump’s influence on American values and democracy. In his endorsement video, he labeled Trump as “a direct threat to every fundamental American value.”

The endorsement was announced just before the first presidential debate. Biden’s campaign has been actively engaging with moderate Republicans and independents who felt alienated during Trump’s tenure.

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Kinzinger is now the most high-profile Republican official to formally support Biden. This endorsement follows that of ex-Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan last month. Biden’s campaign has also recently appointed Kinzinger’s former chief of staff, Austin Weatherford, as its national Republican outreach director.

After the announcement, Biden expressed his gratitude for Kinzinger’s support on social media, stating, “This is what putting your country before your party looks like.”

Kinzinger’s endorsement is part of a broader strategy by Biden’s team to create a “permission structure” for Republican voters who may otherwise find it difficult to vote for a Democratic president.

Why It Matters: Kinzinger’s endorsement comes after he warned about the “devastating” consequences of a potential second term for Trump in February. His concerns about the erosion of American democracy under Trump’s leadership have been echoed by other Republicans, with a Reuters/Ipsos poll in May revealing that 10% of registered Republican voters are now less inclined to vote for Trump following his felony conviction.

Moreover, Biden’s campaign has been attracting support from unexpected quarters. In April, David Ellison, the son of a well-known GOP supporter, made a significant financial contribution to Biden’s campaign.

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