Joe Biden's Debate Performance Triggers Democratic Panic: 'Biden Sounds Hoarse, Looks Tired And Is Babbling'


President Joe Biden faced a challenging time during the 2024 presidential debate, leaving Democrats anxious about his ability to secure a second term.

What Happened: Biden, 81, struggled to articulate his thoughts and maintain a coherent conversation during the debate. He was also criticized for his physical and mental capacity, reported NBC News on Thursday.

Despite a slow start, Biden’s performance improved as the debate progressed. However, he failed to land any significant blows against his opponent, former President Donald Trump.

Even though Biden’s team attributed his hoarseness to a cold, the debate’s outcome has left many Democrats worried. The president’s struggle to dispel concerns about his age and frailty has been a long-standing issue, exacerbated by misleading videos that have gone viral.

One Democratic strategist, who has worked on presidential campaigns, according to the report, commented, “Biden sounds hoarse, looks tired and is babbling. He is reaffirming everything voters already perceived. President Biden can't win. This debate is a nail in the political coffin.”

The debate’s outcome has raised serious questions about Biden’s ability to secure a second term. This is particularly concerning given the tight race, with most polls showing a neck-and-neck competition. The public’s concerns about Biden’s age and frailty have been a significant factor in his declining polling numbers, an issue that the debate was supposed to address.

"I'm thinking the Democrats are thinking about who the Barry Goldwater is who can walk in tomorrow and tell the president he needs to step aside," Ben Proto, chairman of the Connecticut Republican Party, said.

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Despite the concerns, Biden’s team remains optimistic. They have pointed out that the president’s performance improved as the debate progressed and that there is “no mass panic” at the campaign headquarters in Delaware.

Why It Matters: The debate’s outcome has sparked discussions within the Democratic party about the need for a new nominee. This could potentially lead to significant changes in the party’s strategy for the upcoming election.

Earlier, Biden had brushed off questions about his age, stating that he respected people taking a hard look at it and had taken a hard look at it himself before deciding to run. However, the recent debate has once again brought the issue of his age and frailty to the forefront.

Just moments before the presidential debate, Biden had shared a humorous post about his “performance enhancer” drink, joking that he didn’t know what was in it but that he was feeling pretty jacked up. This was in response to Trump’s demand for a drug test before the debate, where he suggested Biden would be “jacked up” on stage.

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Image via The White House

This story was generated using Benzinga Neuro and edited by Kaustubh Bagalkote

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