Instagram CEO Reveals 5 Secrets For Engagement And Success


Via El Planteo

In a recent video, Adam Mosseri, CEO of Instagram - a Meta Platforms Inc META company, outlined several strategies to help users boost engagement on the platform. The video, shared on Mosseri's Instagram account, provides actionable insights into how users can better understand and improve their content performance. These insights are crucial for both new and seasoned content creators looking to enhance their presence on Instagram.

1. Monitor Instagram Engagement Over Time

Mosseri emphasized the importance of tracking engagement beyond the initial days after posting. "Keep an eye on your insights for a few days after you post, not just for the first few hours," he advised. "Because of how recommendations work on Instagram, your content can continue to reach new people for a few weeks after posting."

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He further explained that many users consume content from accounts they don't follow, which Instagram calls "recommendations." These recommendations are often more than two days old; thus, the need to monitor engagement metrics like play counts and like counts over a longer period.

2. Respond To Comments

Interacting with comments for up to a week after posting is another strategy Mosseri highlighted.

He suggested that engaging with comments on your posts helps to boost long-term engagement, as it encourages more interaction and keeps the conversation around the post alive.

3. Shares Are The Key Metric

Mosseri emphasized that the most important metric for assessing the success of content is the amount of shares it receives.

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"Of the people who saw it, how many of them sent it to a friend?" he asked. "Because that tends to be the kind that does the best, because it tends to drive the most value for the overall community."

4. Carousels Offer Multiple Chances for Visibility

Mosseri also tackled a frequent question regarding why carousels tend to outperform reels. He explained that carousels can appear several times in a user's feed, increasing the likeliness of succcess.

"We might show the first post in the carousel to someone, and if they don't swipe to the second or the third, we might show it again automatically swiped to the second or the third post," he noted. This repeated exposure can lead to higher engagement.

5. Engagement Rate Over Follower Count

Finally, Mosseri noted that the engagement rate is a more important indicator of success than the number of followers. "The engagement rate on your content is more important than your follower count," he said. High engagement rates suggest that more people are actively interacting with content, which is a better measure of success than merely growing follower numbers.

"If your followers are going down but your engagement is going up, that's actually good," Mosseri explained. "That means more people are seeing your stuff. Whereas if your follower count is going up and your engagement is going down, that's much more concerning."

Implementing These Strategies

By following these strategies, Instagram content creators can enhance their content's reach and engagement. Monitoring engagement over an extended period, responding to comments, focusing on shares, leveraging carousels and prioritizing engagement rates over follower counts are all critical steps to achieving sustained success on the platform.

These insights from Mosseri offer a valuable roadmap for anyone looking to navigate the complexities of Instagram and make a more significant impact with their content.

Check out El Planteo for more secrets to succeed on social media, even within the cannabis space.

This article is from an external unpaid contributor. It does not represent Benzinga's reporting and has not been edited for content or accuracy. The content was partially produced with the help of AI tools and was reviewed and published by El Planteo editors.

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Posted In: CannabisSocial MediaMarketsGeneralAdam MosseriInstagramInstagram EngagementMosseri
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