A grip on the market: Stockopedia speaks to Graham Stevens of Plexus Holdings

When Plexus Hldgs POS floated on AIM five years ago it set out to introduce new thinking on the safety and reliability of the designs used in making wellheads for the oil and gas industry through the deployment of its proprietary POS-GRIP ® friction grip method of engineering. Since then, the Aberdeen based engineering group and its Pos-Grip technology have won admiring glances and a string of high profile project wins from the likes of Royal Dutch Shell RDSA , BP BP , ConocoPhillips COP and BG Group BG . Like many other oilfield services groups, Plexus had a tough year in 2009 but still managed to sustain its business in the niche high pressure / high temperature (HP/HT) exploration drilling market. With economic conditions beginning to improve and the aftermath of BP's catastrophic spill in the Gulf of Mexico opening up an industry-wide debate on well and well equipment safety, design and performance, Plexus is now eyeing an increasingly influential presence in the wellhead market.

According to finance director Graham Stevens, the Gulf spill and its aftermath have brought the issue of inconsistent safety standards around the world and the hazards of exploration and production drilling sharply into focus. He says the industry, particularly in the US, has a lot to learn from the stringent safety rules set by the likes of Norway and the Scottish North Sea. However, he concedes that changing the ways of national regulators and standards bodies, multi-national services groups and the oil companies themselves remains a challenging quest.

Nevertheless, Stevens is confident that Pos-Grip – which uses a simplified metal-on-metal gripping and sealing technique which deflects the outer body of the wellhead onto the inner casing body to effect the suspension of the casing and sealing between the parts and which can be used for surface or subsea applications – has a bright future. In particular, the technology is finding favour in more extreme conditions, in unconventional fields and in HP/HT and X-HP/HT drilling – areas where oil companies are increasing turning to shore up their reserves. In the year to June 30, 2010, the company posted sales of £13.1m against £15.1m previously, a pre-tax profit of £0.6m versus £1.8m and Ebitda of £3.4m down from £4.3m. In an interview with Stockopedia, Graham Stevens reflected on the impact of the Gulf of Mexico spill, the upturn in the oil and gas sector and the opportunities Plexus sees in establishing Pos-Grip as a recognised brand in oilfield drilling.

Graham, the issue of oil industry standards has come to the fore since the Gulf of Mexico accident. What impact has this had on you?

It has generated an environment where people are much more open to hearing what you've got to say if you're talking about superior and safer methods and ways of improving things, so that's been quite helpful for us. There are things that we have really stepped into in terms of lobbying and awareness raising. One of those things is the fact that people are recognising that the standards in the Gulf of Mexico are not necessarily as high as other parts of the world, like Norway, the UK, the North Sea and so forth. That was acknowledged in the hearings by Steve Newman, Transocean's RIG chief executive. It is a mystery to me why the Americans on the one hand can acknowledge their standards aren't as high but aren't actually saying: ‘Well let's go out and adopt those other standards'. We have come to realise, now that we've been looking at a post Deepwater Horizon world and looking at these standards issues, that if you think of automotive or aerospace you feel that everybody's working together. But look at oil and gas, it's not always the case where the myriad of different bodies and standards exist.

The reality is that there has been much written about the Gulf of Mexico not operating, and America not dictating in all areas, as high a set of standards as are available elsewhere. It cannot be a coincidence that there are more blowouts (which do not have to be catastrophic to be categorised as such) in the Gulf of Mexico than the North Sea. But it's like the king's new clothes, no-one is putting their hand up and saying: ‘Why not?'. To us it's a major issue that's being glossed over.

Bearing in mind the full details into why the accident occurred have yet to be released, how have you been able to respond?

There is as yet no official report. In the meantime we, as I am sure is the case with the bulk of the industry, have tried to digest everything we can from Deepwater Horizon and learn from the copious amount of data and speculation being generated. Then we've taken everything we know about our own technology and have, as one of our responses, just launched a subsea wellhead joint industry project where we think we can design and develop a superior subsea wellhead and we're looking for some industry funding for that.

We have picked up particularly on the elements on one of the BP related documents, which was the early USA Department of the Interior report in May, which highlighted the importance of locking down casing. In the early days everyone was speculating about the blowout preventer not working but it was then suggested that it did work but that maybe it didn't come together and close properly because it had extra material in it. That's because the kick can raise the casing like a piston into the blowout preventer so when it tried to close it had more material to close on than it was designed for. Even if this proves not to have been the issue, one of the things that has therefore come up in the very early analysis is the importance of locking down casing because one thing you want to control, apart from leaks and everything else, is you don't want the casing coming up into the blowout preventer stopping it working if you need it, and the current use of lock down rings to do this can be problematic.

Now, because Pos-Grip is a friction grip technology, it grips from the outside and everything by definition is locked down, you can't move up, you can't move down, you can't move left or right, (ie. axially or radially). With traditional equipment you've got to work down a casing lock ring into the annulus, which is fiddly and takes time, and indeed may not actually deliver enough capacity (force) to lock the casing down effectively. We market our equipment selling all sorts of advantages, some of which we believe are uniquely enabling – like the size of the metal seal contact area and the fact that because of the Pos-Grip force the detrimental effect of fretting (movement) on metal seals is avoided, and the casing is locked down at the same moment as the annular seals are set. We hadn't really focused on the importance of casing lock down because we just do it anyway. So obviously on the back of that we've said ‘Well we address those problems'.

So, we have been able to bang the drum, make our comments and distil them down into four key messages. Everybody now knows how important a blowout preventer is so, therefore, why would you ever want it to not work or to not be there? So for surface wellheads we provide “through the blowout preventer” technology. With the bulk of wellhead technology that is in use, particularly in the States, which is called spool type, you have to remove the blowout preventer to turn the casing and then put it back. So you've got the dual risk of leaving the well open, albeit cemented and cement jobs can of course fail, together with the physical risk of moving a 100 ton device. If you can avoid having to do that, why wouldn't you?

Secondly, leaks. Leaks are obviously a danger and really bad for the environment. If you've got a conventional point seal that then usually has to be backed up with an elastomeric rubberised gunk that has to be pumped up regularly because it deteriorates versus a whole of life metal seal, why wouldn't you go for that?

The third one, a new one for us, is an emphasis on locking down casing. If you can lock down casing automatically, quickly and firmly so everything moves as one, why wouldn't you?

The fourth one is the testing standards for wellheads. We have always maintained that, and we're putting more emphasis on this now, the testing of conventional wellheads under API 6A [American Petroleum Institute] is woefully inadequate in that they just do not reflect true life field conditions and are short of what their own standards say for other key elements in the well, like casing couplings and tubing couplings which are required to pass more rigorous testing criteria. We can pass all of that. The reason those standards are low, in our opinion, is because the other players out there with conventional equipment can't pass the higher test standards.

While Plexus has focused on developing wellheads for use on rigs, you do have experience of subsea wellheads, don't you?

Yes you're absolutely right. We did one for AGR and Silverstone Energy [in 2007], it is in shallow water but it's still subsea. We can do land, we can do platform, we can do jack-up, we can do subsea, in other words Pos-Grip will work for any type of wellhead, oil and gas production or exploration. The only reason we initially concentrated on jack-up is because that was our experience and what we could get into and it was also a less risky way of the market testing us. But since then yes, we've done some production wellheads, including for BP Amethyst in the North Sea, BP Shah Deniz in the Caspian and Tullow Oil Plc TLW in the North Sea.. We've done one subsea wellhead but the technology is just as valid and, arguably, is more valid for subsea because we don't use threaded connectors – there are extra advantages to using something that just comes in and grips and can be released.

We haven't gone into subsea properly as yet, but we are now looking at doing so with some partners from whom we would look for funding. A lot of companies do that and you don't do it always to get the money, you actually do it to get the commitment from the company to be involved in the project, so they buy into the project and you hope they become a customer at the end. Our technology is, we would argue, more beneficial for the more complicated applications, so we'll see. But getting those four arguments distilled down to: don't lift the BOP, use better metal seals, lock the casing down and get your wellhead test standards better, is effectively what are now the subject of a whole number of lobbying documents and presentations.

With the new projects aside, how has Plexus be developing over the past year?

We have just been busy growing the organic business and we have picked up three new customers in three new territories – Tunisia, Cameroon and Angola. And we have just announced a new customer, Apache Energy, in Australia. Why would Plexus get these things against multi-national global competitors unless it had something special? So we're just busy proving our way with the organic growth while still working even harder than ever before on various corporate breakthrough initiatives. Ben [Plexus' CEO, Ben van Bilderbeek] says it's a bit like pushing a weight to the edge of a table. All we know is we're moving the weight along but we just don't know where the edge of the table is – other than the fact that it's getting ever nearer. But when it drops, like a penny dropping it will be quick, and one would hope that that's going to be exciting for everybody.

In the meantime we are generating cash, we've been able to increase the dividend, we're on a 1.4% yield, which I don't think is too bad against current base rates, so we're giving some return to shareholders. But the real reason for holding these shares, as our institutions appreciate, is the fact that at some point there's hopefully going to be some sort of corporate breakthrough, some sort of hockey stick type event where things start to really motor.

The environment for the oil and gas industry has been challenging over the past year, so how would you rate your performance in light of that?

I think we more than held our own against some. For example, underlying those figures our HP/HT turnover was unchanged, we did £9.4m the year before and we did £9.4m this year, so even with that decline, which is pretty significant for a lot of oil service companies, we held our own in HP/HT.

The drop off was the North Sea, which was massively down, so we got impacted on that because we have quite a bit of North Sea business. For the first time our rest of the world, non UK operations, became 55% of our business. I think it will come back but the UK industry doesn't get the tax breaks that, for example, Norway does where if a well is dry they get 78% of the cost back, so a number of the large IOC's have been leaving the North Sea to the smaller operators. Hopefully at some point it will return because Oil and Gas UK reckons there's still 24 billion barrels, at least, in the North Sea. Some are sticking at it, like BG and Conoco Phillips and as new fields are found to be productive this will hopefully create fresh activity for the UK.

Under the circumstances EBITDA stood up quite well, we managed to grow our gross margins a little bit, which shows that even in a pressured environment where people are sometimes looking for a deal at lower prices we were able to hold our own because we are unique. So I think that was demonstrated a bit with the numbers.

You invested heavily in your Aberdeen facility during the year and you have got other projects in the pipeline. What has been happening on that front?

We started building a new assembly and test facility in Aberdeen late 2009 and it opened on time and on budget in May. We were told it's the tallest building on the smallest footprint in Aberdeen and that is because it has to accommodate these really big wellheads. We also obtained ISO9001 accreditation, which is a big tick in the box when you're dealing with the big companies. We spent £3.3m on capex and we added two new HP/HT sets; that cost about £1.5m. So in other words we've been investing throughout the cycle.

We've moved along with our joint industry project on a 15,000psi HP/HT Mudline Tieback. Basically if you drill a HP/HT exploration well, and assuming you find something that you want to produce from, you are obliged to cap the well and abandon it. Now, an HP/HT well can cost you £50m-£200m to drill, so it's a very expensive ‘throw away' well. The 15k tieback project, which is half way through and has some industry support from two nameless companies, allows you to tie back to it as we do not have the risks and problems associated with threaded connectors. With Pos-Grip we just come along, grip, seal and then release when you want to so you'll be able to convert an exploration well to a production well. It means you save the £50m-£200m, because your exploration well becomes a production well, and you can start producing a far sight quicker than abandoning it and having to drill a whole new well to produce next door to it.

Why do you think private investors should take a closer look at Plexus – what does Pos-Grip technology offer now and what could it offer in the future?

Pos-Grip can offer now “through the blowout preventer” technology, and all the safety advantages and cost savings that that delivers for surface wellheads. It can offer superior metal to metal sealing for all wellheads for the life of the well, and we offer the locking down casing as part of the gripping as opposed to having to fiddle around with lock down rings. These advantages add up to time savings and improved operational performance and efficiencies as a number of testimonial letters from our customers confirm. Most importantly, if and when regulations and standards have to be raised for wellheads to a higher level in line with other parts of the critical parts of drilling a well, we're ready to go because we can already meet those higher standards. So we've got to either work to get that bar raised or that bar's going to get raised and when it does we're already there.

As an overlay to that we have to remember that Plexus is all about a method of engineering, it's about Pos-Grip friction grip technology and yes, we've started off with wellheads and yes, that's a natural fit because it's about two tubular members, but we can actually leverage that technology into other areas. That means looking at developing things like the 15k tieback but it also means taking it into subsea and also, at some point, wanting to break through in a significant way into the production wellhead market, which represents approximately 80% of the wellhead market. At the moment we've got a nice niche space within 20% of the market, which is exploration, but the big win will be the production market, potentially with licensing and partners.

Thank you for talking to Stockopedia.

Thank you.


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