Gold Leaf Farming LP

Min. Investment$50,000
Target Cash Yield13.80%
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Do you think Gold Leaf Farming LP is a good investment?

Gold Leaf Farming LP is a holding company focused on providing top-tier risk-adjusted returns with low volatility through the acquisition and management of diversified, specialty farmland within California.


Min. Investment$50,000
Target Cash Yield13.80%
Target Return14 - 17%
Property TypeFarmland
Target Hold Period8 years
Close DateTBD

Bull Case:

  1. Strategic Asset Selection: GLF LP focuses on acquiring almond and pistachio farms with top-quartile water, climate, and yield positioning.
  2. Competitive Advantage through Integration: Fully integrated owner and operator with in-house agronomics and farming teams.
  3. Diversification and Risk Management: Diversified approach targeting various crops to mitigate risks associated with specific crop price fluctuations or regional challenges.
  4. Cash Flow Stability and Quarterly Distributions: Existing portfolio of mature, cash-flowing orchards providing stable cash flow with quarterly distributions starting in 2025.
  5. Focus on Value Appreciation and Institutional Demand: 7-10 year hold period aligning with institutional buyer demand for larger, well-operated farming assets.

Bear Case:

  1. Market Risks and Commodity Price Fluctuations: Vulnerability to commodity price fluctuations influenced by market dynamics and global economic factors.
  2. Dependency on Agricultural Factors: Risks associated with agriculture such as pests, diseases, and adverse weather conditions impacting yields and cash flow.
  3. Execution Risks in Organic Farming Transition: Challenges in executing the transition to certified organic farming practices, potentially impacting pricing and yield advantages.
  4. Long Hold Period and Limited Liquidity: 7-10 year hold period may limit liquidity, posing challenges for investors needing more flexible investment structures.
  5. Dependence on Institutional Buyer Demand: Relying on institutional buyer demand for well-operated farming assets, subject to changes in market demand.


Gold Leaf Farming LP ("GLF LP") presents an opportunity to invest in a holding company focused on providing top-tier risk-adjusted returns through diversified, specialty farmland within California. The bull case emphasizes strategic asset selection, integration advantages, diversification, stable cash flow, and potential value appreciation. On the flip side, the bear case highlights market risks, agricultural dependencies, execution challenges, illiquidity concerns, and the reliance on institutional buyer demand.

Important Disclosures:

The information presented, including projections, is provided by the Sponsor and is not endorsed by RM Technologies, LLC. Investors are advised to carefully read the Investment Documents for complete information and consider the speculative and risky nature of real estate investment. Forward-looking statements and the use of debt involve inherent uncertainties and risks. The offering is not registered, and investors should meet Accredited Investor criteria. RM Technologies, LLC fees and potential conflicts are disclosed, and no investment advice is provided.

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Benzinga Money is a reader-supported publication. We may earn a commission from the advertisers. Read our Advertiser Discloser. The information contained herein is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any securities or ownership interests. Fractional ownership in real estate involves purchasing a percentage share of a property rather than owning the entire property outright. This type of investment carries risks, including but not limited to market volatility, lack of liquidity, and potential loss of capital.

What is the target cash yield?

Target cash yield is 13.8%

What is the minimum investment amount?

Min. investment is $50,000

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