Collin Mings's Stock Ratings

Raymond James Analyst

Collin Mings is an analyst at Raymond James. Analyst ratings are quantitative and qualitative analysis of a stock by Wall Street stock rating analysts. Stock ratings consist of expected future growth, current stock valuation and macroeconomic trends. Updated 03/18/2025

Overall Average Return


Smart Score


Overall Average Return Percentile


Number of Ratings

Buy NowGet Alert
03/12/2025RYNBuy Now
Collin Mings64%
→ $31UpgradeMarket Perform → OutperformGet Alert
01/12/2021FCPTBuy Now
Four Corners Property
Collin Mings64%
$32 → $34MaintainsStrong BuyGet Alert
12/17/2020NNNBuy Now
National Retail Props
Collin Mings64%
UpgradeMarket Perform → Strong BuyGet Alert
04/17/2020FCPTBuy Now
Four Corners Property
Collin Mings64%
$35 → $24MaintainsOutperformGet Alert
04/17/2020NNNBuy Now
National Retail Props
Collin Mings64%
$62 → $44MaintainsOutperformGet Alert
04/17/2020OBuy Now
Realty Income
Collin Mings64%
$84 → $66MaintainsOutperformGet Alert
04/17/2020EPRBuy Now
EPR Props
Collin Mings64%
$84 → $35MaintainsOutperformGet Alert
02/18/2020FCPTBuy Now
Four Corners Property
Collin Mings64%
$32 → $35MaintainsOutperformGet Alert
01/07/2020ROICBuy Now
Retail Opportunity
Collin Mings64%
$20 → $19DowngradeStrong Buy → OutperformGet Alert
02/26/2019KRGBuy Now
Kite Realty Gr Trust
Collin Mings64%
DowngradeOutperform → Market PerformGet Alert
10/29/2018WYBuy Now
Collin Mings64%
$41 → $36MaintainsStrong BuyGet Alert
05/08/2018RYNBuy Now
Collin Mings64%
$36 → $40MaintainsOutperformGet Alert
01/08/2018PCHBuy Now
Collin Mings64%
UpgradeMarket Perform → OutperformGet Alert
08/15/2017FCPTBuy Now
Four Corners Property
Collin Mings64%
UpgradeMarket Perform → OutperformGet Alert
06/12/2017RPTBuy Now
RPT Realty
Collin Mings64%
DowngradeOutperform → Market PerformGet Alert
01/09/2017KRGBuy Now
Kite Realty Gr Trust
Collin Mings64%
UpgradeOutperform → Strong BuyGet Alert
09/03/2015ROICBuy Now
Retail Opportunity
Collin Mings64%
UpgradeOutperform → Strong BuyGet Alert
06/19/2015ROICBuy Now
Retail Opportunity
Collin Mings64%
UpgradeNeutral → BuyGet Alert
12/13/2012ROICBuy Now
Retail Opportunity
Collin Mings64%
DowngradeOutperform → Market PerformGet Alert

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