Simon Yarmak's Stock Ratings

Stifel Analyst

Simon Yarmak is an analyst at Stifel. Analyst ratings are quantitative and qualitative analysis of a stock by Wall Street stock rating analysts. Stock ratings consist of expected future growth, current stock valuation and macroeconomic trends. Updated 07/09/2024

Overall Average Return


Smart Score


Overall Average Return Percentile


Number of Ratings

Buy NowGet Alert
07/09/2024ESSBuy Now
Essex Property Trust
$276.31-3.37%$243.5 → $267MaintainsHoldGet Alert
06/17/2024PSTLBuy Now
Postal Realty Trust
$13.5814.14% → $15.5Reinstates → BuyGet Alert
05/17/2024GLPIBuy Now
Gaming and Leisure Props
$44.7713.92%$50.75 → $51MaintainsBuyGet Alert
05/07/2024VACBuy Now
Marriott Vacations
$81.4743.61%$115 → $117MaintainsBuyGet Alert
05/01/2024ESSBuy Now
Essex Property Trust
$276.31-11.87%$239.5 → $243.5MaintainsHoldGet Alert
04/11/2024HBuy Now
Hyatt Hotels
$149.003.35%$146 → $154MaintainsHoldGet Alert
03/19/2024EPRTBuy Now
Essential Props Realty
$27.83-1.19%$27 → $27.5MaintainsBuyGet Alert
02/23/2024DRHBuy Now
Diamondrock Hospitality
$8.2227.78%$10 → $10.5MaintainsBuyGet Alert
02/21/2024OBuy Now
Realty Income
$53.1322.34%$67.75 → $65MaintainsBuyGet Alert
02/14/2024ADCBuy Now
Agree Realty
$61.3613.27%$70 → $69.5MaintainsBuyGet Alert
02/13/2024BRXBuy Now
Brixmor Property Group
$22.536.52%$22.75 → $24MaintainsHoldGet Alert
02/07/2024ESSBuy Now
Essex Property Trust
$276.31-19.29%$225 → $223MaintainsHoldGet Alert
01/24/2024HSTBuy Now
Host Hotels & Resorts
$17.5419.76%$20 → $21MaintainsBuyGet Alert
11/29/2023KIMBuy Now
Kimco Realty
$19.2213.16%$20.5 → $21.75MaintainsBuyGet Alert
11/29/2023EPRTBuy Now
Essential Props Realty
$27.83-2.98%$25.75 → $27MaintainsBuyGet Alert
11/17/2023ESSBuy Now
Essex Property Trust
$276.31-18.57%$226 → $225MaintainsHoldGet Alert
11/17/2023EQRBuy Now
Equity Residential
$68.22-12.79%$60 → $59.5MaintainsHoldGet Alert
11/17/2023CPTBuy Now
Camden Prop Trust
$108.031.82%$111.5 → $110MaintainsBuyGet Alert
11/07/2023OBuy Now
Realty Income
$53.1327.05%$69.5 → $67.5MaintainsBuyGet Alert
11/01/2023EQRBuy Now
Equity Residential
$68.22-12.06%$70 → $60MaintainsHoldGet Alert
10/31/2023SPGBuy Now
Simon Property Group
$146.87-11.49%$139 → $130MaintainsBuyGet Alert
10/31/2023BRXBuy Now
Brixmor Property Group
$22.530.98%$24.5 → $22.75MaintainsHoldGet Alert
10/26/2023NTSTBuy Now
$15.8412.06%$20 → $17.75MaintainsBuyGet Alert
10/26/2023EPRTBuy Now
Essential Props Realty
$27.83-7.47%$28 → $25.75MaintainsBuyGet Alert
10/26/2023EPRBuy Now
EPR Props
$41.538.34%$50 → $45MaintainsHoldGet Alert
10/11/2023WHBuy Now
Wyndham Hotels & Resorts
$72.1415.05%$84 → $83MaintainsBuyGet Alert
10/03/2023KIMBuy Now
Kimco Realty
$19.2214.46%$23.25 → $22MaintainsBuyGet Alert
09/22/2023HBuy Now
Hyatt Hotels
$149.00-22.82%$119.5 → $115MaintainsHoldGet Alert
09/15/2023NTSTBuy Now
$15.8426.26%$21 → $20MaintainsBuyGet Alert
08/31/2023KIMBuy Now
Kimco Realty
$19.2220.97%$23.75 → $23.25MaintainsBuyGet Alert
08/29/2023HTBuy Now
Hersha Hospitality
$8.75 → $10DowngradeBuy → HoldGet Alert
08/08/2023SRCBuy Now
Spirit Realty Cap
$45.5 → $46MaintainsBuyGet Alert
08/02/2023ADCBuy Now
Agree Realty
$61.3624.67%$76 → $76.5MaintainsBuyGet Alert
07/18/2023ESSBuy Now
Essex Property Trust
$276.31-9.52%$245 → $250DowngradeBuy → HoldGet Alert
07/13/2023SPGBuy Now
Simon Property Group
$146.87-5.36%$130 → $139MaintainsBuyGet Alert
07/07/2023NTSTBuy Now
$15.8432.58%$21.5 → $21MaintainsBuyGet Alert
06/30/2023EPRBuy Now
EPR Props
$41.5320.38%$47 → $50MaintainsHoldGet Alert
06/29/2023ADCBuy Now
Agree Realty
$61.3623.86%$77.5 → $76MaintainsBuyGet Alert
05/03/2023SPGBuy Now
Simon Property Group
$146.87-11.83%$135 → $129.5MaintainsBuyGet Alert
05/02/2023BRXBuy Now
Brixmor Property Group
$22.538.74%$25 → $24.5MaintainsHoldGet Alert
04/28/2023ESSBuy Now
Essex Property Trust
$276.31-11.33%$260 → $245MaintainsBuyGet Alert
04/28/2023CPTBuy Now
Camden Prop Trust
$108.0320.34%$143 → $130MaintainsBuyGet Alert
04/27/2023PEBBuy Now
Pebblebrook Hotel
$13.1218.14%$15.25 → $15.5MaintainsHoldGet Alert
04/27/2023WHBuy Now
Wyndham Hotels & Resorts
$72.1412.28%$87 → $81MaintainsBuyGet Alert
04/27/2023EPRTBuy Now
Essential Props Realty
$27.83-2.08%$27.75 → $27.25MaintainsBuyGet Alert
04/27/2023NTSTBuy Now
$15.8435.73%$22.5 → $21.5MaintainsBuyGet Alert
03/23/2023OBuy Now
Realty Income
$53.1333.63%$72.25 → $71MaintainsBuyGet Alert
09/16/2022STORBuy Now
STORE Capital
DowngradeBuy → HoldGet Alert
06/09/2022ESSBuy Now
Essex Property Trust
$276.3127.39%$390 → $352MaintainsBuyGet Alert
06/01/2022CTTBuy Now
CatchMark Timber Trust
$10 → $12DowngradeBuy → HoldGet Alert
05/06/2022HTBuy Now
Hersha Hospitality
$11 → $14.5UpgradeHold → BuyGet Alert
02/23/2022EPRBuy Now
EPR Props
$41.5336.03%$56 → $56.5MaintainsHoldGet Alert
02/23/2022ADCBuy Now
Agree Realty
$61.3631.19%$81 → $80.5MaintainsBuyGet Alert
12/07/2021EQRBuy Now
Equity Residential
$68.2236.31%Initiates → HoldGet Alert
12/07/2021CPTBuy Now
Camden Prop Trust
$108.0377.73%Initiates → BuyGet Alert
12/07/2021ESSBuy Now
Essex Property Trust
$276.3141.15%Initiates → BuyGet Alert
11/22/2021KIMBuy Now
Kimco Realty
$19.2240.48%UpgradeHold → BuyGet Alert