Timothy Chiang's Stock Ratings

Capital One Analyst

Timothy Chiang is an analyst at Capital One. Analyst ratings are quantitative and qualitative analysis of a stock by Wall Street stock rating analysts. Stock ratings consist of expected future growth, current stock valuation and macroeconomic trends. Updated 03/28/2025

Overall Average Return


Smart Score


Overall Average Return Percentile


Number of Ratings

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03/15/2024ANIPBuy Now
ANI Pharmaceuticals
Timothy Chiang24%
Initiates → OverweightGet Alert
11/03/2022AKYABuy Now
Akoya Biosciences
Timothy Chiang24%
→ $19Initiates → OverweightGet Alert
02/11/2022PTGXBuy Now
Protagonist Therapeutics
Timothy Chiang24%
→ $55Initiates → BuyGet Alert
10/05/2020AMPHBuy Now
Amphastar Pharma
Timothy Chiang24%
UpgradeMarket Perform → OutperformGet Alert
09/01/2020IDYABuy Now
IDEAYA Biosciences
Timothy Chiang24%
→ $28Initiates → OutperformGet Alert
10/26/2018SGYPBuy Now
Synergy Pharmaceuticals
Timothy Chiang24%
DowngradeBuy → NeutralGet Alert
10/04/2017MYLBuy Now
Timothy Chiang24%
$42 → $45MaintainsBuyGet Alert
07/21/2017PTGXBuy Now
Protagonist Therapeutics
Timothy Chiang24%
→ $36Initiates → BuyGet Alert
08/25/2015SGYPBuy Now
Synergy Pharmaceuticals
Timothy Chiang24%
→ $11Initiates → BuyGet Alert
06/18/2015MYLBuy Now
Timothy Chiang24%
→ $85Initiates → BuyGet Alert