Barry Jonas' Stock Ratings

Truist Securities Analyst

Barry Jonas is an analyst at Truist Securities. Analyst ratings are quantitative and qualitative analysis of a stock by Wall Street stock rating analysts. Stock ratings consist of expected future growth, current stock valuation and macroeconomic trends. Updated 07/18/2024

Overall Average Return


Smart Score


Overall Average Return Percentile


Number of Ratings

Buy NowGet Alert
07/18/2024EVRIBuy Now
Everi Hldgs
$8.9511.73%$11 → $10MaintainsHoldGet Alert
07/18/2024LNWBuy Now
Light & Wonder
$102.5417.03%$115 → $120MaintainsBuyGet Alert
07/18/2024GDENBuy Now
Golden Entertainment
$31.2228.12%$43 → $40MaintainsBuyGet Alert
07/18/2024CHDNBuy Now
Churchill Downs
$143.0415.35%$145 → $165MaintainsBuyGet Alert
07/18/2024DKNGBuy Now
$38.5137.63%$55 → $53MaintainsBuyGet Alert
07/18/2024RRRBuy Now
Red Rock Resorts
$60.445.89%$60 → $64MaintainsHoldGet Alert
06/14/2024PENNBuy Now
PENN Entertainment
$19.4528.53%$23 → $25MaintainsBuyGet Alert
05/15/2024IGTBuy Now
Intl Game Tech
$21.278.13%$26 → $23MaintainsHoldGet Alert
05/13/2024AGSBuy Now
$11.409.65%$13 → $12.5DowngradeBuy → HoldGet Alert
05/01/2024CZRBuy Now
Caesars Entertainment
$38.5434.92%$58 → $52MaintainsBuyGet Alert
04/26/2024CHDNBuy Now
Churchill Downs
$143.041.37%$140 → $145MaintainsBuyGet Alert
04/26/2024BYDBuy Now
Boyd Gaming
$59.2426.59%$80 → $75MaintainsBuyGet Alert
04/23/2024EVRIBuy Now
Everi Hldgs
$8.9522.91%$13 → $11MaintainsHoldGet Alert
04/23/2024IGTBuy Now
Intl Game Tech
$21.2722.24%$28 → $26MaintainsHoldGet Alert
04/23/2024GDENBuy Now
Golden Entertainment
$31.2240.94%$45 → $44MaintainsBuyGet Alert
04/23/2024BALYBuy Now
$13.8215.73%$14 → $16MaintainsBuyGet Alert
04/23/2024CZRBuy Now
Caesars Entertainment
$38.5450.49%$62 → $58MaintainsBuyGet Alert
04/23/2024RRRBuy Now
Red Rock Resorts
$60.44-0.73%$58 → $60MaintainsHoldGet Alert
04/23/2024PENNBuy Now
PENN Entertainment
$19.4518.25%$23 → $23UpgradeHold → BuyGet Alert
03/15/2024GDENBuy Now
Golden Entertainment
$31.2244.14% → $45Initiates → BuyGet Alert
03/13/2024IGTBuy Now
Intl Game Tech
$21.2731.64%$30 → $28MaintainsHoldGet Alert
03/06/2024AGSBuy Now
$11.4014.04%$12 → $13MaintainsBuyGet Alert
03/01/2024IGTBuy Now
Intl Game Tech
$21.2741.04%$32 → $30DowngradeBuy → HoldGet Alert
03/01/2024EVRIBuy Now
Everi Hldgs
$8.9545.25%$14 → $13DowngradeBuy → HoldGet Alert
02/28/2024LNWBuy Now
Light & Wonder
$102.5412.15%$90 → $115MaintainsBuyGet Alert
02/20/2024GTLBBuy Now
$53.5749.34%$75 → $80MaintainsBuyGet Alert
02/20/2024DKNGBuy Now
$38.5142.82%$45 → $55ReiteratesBuy → BuyGet Alert
02/16/2024PENNBuy Now
PENN Entertainment
$19.4518.25%$27 → $23MaintainsHoldGet Alert
02/15/2024MCRIBuy Now
Monarch Casino & Resort
$70.425.08%$72 → $74MaintainsHoldGet Alert
02/09/2024BYDBuy Now
Boyd Gaming
$59.2435.03%$76 → $80MaintainsBuyGet Alert
01/16/2024GTLBBuy Now
$53.5740%$70 → $75MaintainsBuyGet Alert
01/16/2024BXPBuy Now
Boston Props
$69.6310.59%$79 → $77MaintainsHoldGet Alert
12/20/2023RRRBuy Now
Red Rock Resorts
$60.44-9%$46 → $55MaintainsHoldGet Alert
12/05/2023MGMBuy Now
MGM Resorts Intl
$46.4318.46% → $55ReiteratesBuy → BuyGet Alert
11/29/2023BYDBuy Now
Boyd Gaming
$59.2440.1% → $83ReiteratesBuy → BuyGet Alert
11/27/2023AGSBuy Now
$11.405.26% → $12ReiteratesBuy → BuyGet Alert
11/20/2023NGMSBuy Now
→ $29.5ReiteratesHold → HoldGet Alert
11/10/2023LNWBuy Now
Light & Wonder
$102.54-14.18%$86 → $88MaintainsBuyGet Alert
11/09/2023EVRIBuy Now
Everi Hldgs
$8.9578.77%$17 → $16MaintainsBuyGet Alert
11/06/2023DKNGBuy Now
$38.5116.85%$44 → $45MaintainsBuyGet Alert
11/03/2023BALYBuy Now
$13.82-5.97%$16 → $13MaintainsBuyGet Alert
11/01/2023IGTBuy Now
Intl Game Tech
$21.2764.55%$37 → $35MaintainsBuyGet Alert
11/01/2023CZRBuy Now
Caesars Entertainment
$38.5460.87%$70 → $62MaintainsBuyGet Alert
10/27/2023CHDNBuy Now
Churchill Downs
$143.04-2.13%$148 → $140MaintainsBuyGet Alert
10/19/2023MCRIBuy Now
Monarch Casino & Resort
$70.42-7.7% → $65DowngradeBuy → HoldGet Alert
10/18/2023RRRBuy Now
Red Rock Resorts
$60.44-23.89%$50 → $46MaintainsHoldGet Alert
10/18/2023PENNBuy Now
PENN Entertainment
$19.4528.53%$30 → $25MaintainsHoldGet Alert
10/18/2023MCRIBuy Now
Monarch Casino & Resort
$70.4227.8%$95 → $90MaintainsBuyGet Alert
10/18/2023MGMBuy Now
MGM Resorts Intl
$46.4318.46%$60 → $55MaintainsBuyGet Alert
10/18/2023INSEBuy Now
Inspired Entertainment
$9.29104.52%$21 → $19MaintainsBuyGet Alert
10/18/2023EVRIBuy Now
Everi Hldgs
$8.9589.94%$20 → $17MaintainsBuyGet Alert
10/18/2023CHDNBuy Now
Churchill Downs
$143.043.47%$155 → $148MaintainsBuyGet Alert
10/18/2023BALYBuy Now
$13.8215.73%$23 → $16MaintainsBuyGet Alert
09/19/2023PTCTBuy Now
PTC Therapeutics
$32.7337.49% → $45ReiteratesBuy → BuyGet Alert
09/18/2023PTCTBuy Now
PTC Therapeutics
$32.7337.49%$60 → $45MaintainsBuyGet Alert
09/15/2023IGTBuy Now
Intl Game Tech
$21.2773.95% → $37ReiteratesBuy → BuyGet Alert
09/08/2023LNWBuy Now
Light & Wonder
$102.54-16.13%$78 → $86MaintainsBuyGet Alert
08/18/2023GAMBBuy Now Gr
$9.3482.01%$12 → $17MaintainsBuyGet Alert
08/16/2023PTCTBuy Now
PTC Therapeutics
$32.7398.59% → $65ReiteratesBuy → BuyGet Alert
08/10/2023PENNBuy Now
PENN Entertainment
$19.4554.24%$33 → $30DowngradeBuy → HoldGet Alert
08/10/2023EVRIBuy Now
Everi Hldgs
$8.95123.46%$25 → $20MaintainsBuyGet Alert
08/08/2023DKNGBuy Now
$38.5114.26%$31 → $44UpgradeHold → BuyGet Alert
08/02/2023IGTBuy Now
Intl Game Tech
$21.2773.95%$35 → $37MaintainsBuyGet Alert
07/28/2023CHDNBuy Now
Churchill Downs
$143.048.36%$165 → $155MaintainsBuyGet Alert
07/18/2023MGMBuy Now
MGM Resorts Intl
$46.4329.23%$58 → $60MaintainsBuyGet Alert
07/18/2023LNWBuy Now
Light & Wonder
$102.54-26.86%$72 → $75MaintainsBuyGet Alert
07/18/2023IGTBuy Now
Intl Game Tech
$21.2764.55%$32 → $35MaintainsBuyGet Alert
07/18/2023EVRIBuy Now
Everi Hldgs
$8.95179.33%$27 → $25MaintainsBuyGet Alert
07/18/2023DKNGBuy Now
$38.51-19.5%$26 → $31MaintainsHoldGet Alert
06/27/2023RRRBuy Now
Red Rock Resorts
$60.44-17.27% → $50ReiteratesHold → HoldGet Alert
06/27/2023PENNBuy Now
PENN Entertainment
$19.4569.67% → $33ReiteratesBuy → BuyGet Alert
06/27/2023MCRIBuy Now
Monarch Casino & Resort
$70.4234.9% → $95ReiteratesBuy → BuyGet Alert
06/27/2023MGMBuy Now
MGM Resorts Intl
$46.4324.92% → $58ReiteratesBuy → BuyGet Alert
06/27/2023LNWBuy Now
Light & Wonder
$102.54-29.78% → $72ReiteratesBuy → BuyGet Alert
06/27/2023IGTBuy Now
Intl Game Tech
$21.2750.45% → $32ReiteratesBuy → BuyGet Alert
06/27/2023DKNGBuy Now
$38.51-32.49% → $26ReiteratesHold → HoldGet Alert
06/27/2023CZRBuy Now
Caesars Entertainment
$38.5481.63% → $70ReiteratesBuy → BuyGet Alert
06/27/2023BYDBuy Now
Boyd Gaming
$59.2443.47% → $85ReiteratesBuy → BuyGet Alert
06/27/2023BALYBuy Now
$13.8266.37% → $23ReiteratesBuy → BuyGet Alert
05/16/2023NGMSBuy Now
$21 → $29.5DowngradeBuy → HoldGet Alert
05/15/2023NGMSBuy Now
DowngradeBuy → HoldGet Alert
05/11/2023INSEBuy Now
Inspired Entertainment
$9.29126.05%$20 → $21MaintainsBuyGet Alert
05/10/2023LNWBuy Now
Light & Wonder
$102.54-29.78%$70 → $72MaintainsBuyGet Alert
05/10/2023BALYBuy Now
$13.8266.37%$29 → $23MaintainsBuyGet Alert
05/08/2023DKNGBuy Now
$38.51-32.49%$23 → $26MaintainsHoldGet Alert
05/05/2023RRRBuy Now
Red Rock Resorts
$60.44-17.27%$49 → $50MaintainsHoldGet Alert
05/05/2023PENNBuy Now
PENN Entertainment
$19.4569.67%$41 → $33MaintainsBuyGet Alert
05/02/2023MGMBuy Now
MGM Resorts Intl
$46.4324.92%$57 → $58MaintainsBuyGet Alert
04/28/2023CHDNBuy Now
Churchill Downs
$143.04130.7%$150 → $165MaintainsBuyGet Alert
04/26/2023BYDBuy Now
Boyd Gaming
$59.2443.47%$83 → $85MaintainsBuyGet Alert
04/18/2023PTCTBuy Now
PTC Therapeutics
$32.7398.59%$60 → $65MaintainsBuyGet Alert
04/18/2023PENNBuy Now
PENN Entertainment
$19.45110.8%$40 → $41MaintainsBuyGet Alert
04/18/2023MGMBuy Now
MGM Resorts Intl
$46.4322.77%$54 → $57MaintainsBuyGet Alert
04/18/2023IGTBuy Now
Intl Game Tech
$21.2750.45%$31 → $32MaintainsBuyGet Alert
04/18/2023BYDBuy Now
Boyd Gaming
$59.2440.1%$80 → $83MaintainsBuyGet Alert
03/17/2023CHDNBuy Now
Churchill Downs
$143.04109.73% → $150Initiates → BuyGet Alert
03/10/2023AGSBuy Now
$11.40-3.51%$8 → $11MaintainsBuyGet Alert
02/21/2023DKNGBuy Now
$38.51-40.28%$15 → $23MaintainsHoldGet Alert
02/09/2023MGMBuy Now
MGM Resorts Intl
$46.4316.3%$50 → $54MaintainsBuyGet Alert
02/03/2023PENNBuy Now
PENN Entertainment
$19.45105.66%$36 → $40MaintainsBuyGet Alert
01/11/2023RRRBuy Now
Red Rock Resorts
$60.44DowngradeBuy → HoldGet Alert
01/11/2023GLPIBuy Now
Gaming and Leisure Props
$49.1122.17%$54 → $60UpgradeHold → BuyGet Alert
12/05/2022MGMBuy Now
MGM Resorts Intl
$46.437.69%$40 → $50UpgradeHold → BuyGet Alert
10/25/2022DKNGBuy Now
$38.51-61.05%$20 → $15MaintainsHoldGet Alert
10/25/2022BALYBuy Now
$13.82109.76%$30 → $29MaintainsBuyGet Alert
10/25/2022CZRBuy Now
Caesars Entertainment
$38.5481.63%$72 → $70MaintainsBuyGet Alert
10/25/2022PENNBuy Now
PENN Entertainment
$19.45105.66%$48 → $40MaintainsBuyGet Alert
10/25/2022GAMBBuy Now Gr
$9.3428.48%$10.5 → $12MaintainsBuyGet Alert
10/25/2022BYDBuy Now
Boyd Gaming
$59.2433.34%$80 → $79MaintainsBuyGet Alert
10/20/2022MCRIBuy Now
Monarch Casino & Resort
$70.4226.38%$85 → $89MaintainsBuyGet Alert
08/30/2022GAMBBuy Now Gr
$9.3412.42%$12 → $10.5MaintainsBuyGet Alert
08/08/2022DKNGBuy Now
$38.51-48.07%$16 → $20MaintainsHoldGet Alert
07/20/2022INSEBuy Now
Inspired Entertainment
$9.2972.23%$18 → $16MaintainsBuyGet Alert
07/20/2022EVRIBuy Now
Everi Hldgs
$8.95235.2%$32 → $30MaintainsBuyGet Alert
07/20/2022LNWBuy Now
Light & Wonder
$102.54-25.88%$85 → $76MaintainsBuyGet Alert
07/20/2022IGTBuy Now
Intl Game Tech
$21.2741.04%$36 → $30MaintainsBuyGet Alert
07/20/2022AGSBuy Now
$11.405.26%$13 → $12MaintainsBuyGet Alert
07/20/2022VICIBuy Now
VICI Props
$31.2727.9%$35 → $40MaintainsBuyGet Alert
07/20/2022GLPIBuy Now
Gaming and Leisure Props
$49.119.96%$51 → $54MaintainsHoldGet Alert
07/20/2022DKNGBuy Now
$38.51-58.45%$18 → $16MaintainsHoldGet Alert
07/20/2022MGMBuy Now
MGM Resorts Intl
$46.43-24.62%$48 → $35MaintainsHoldGet Alert
07/20/2022MCRIBuy Now
Monarch Casino & Resort
$70.4220.7%$100 → $85MaintainsBuyGet Alert
07/20/2022BALYBuy Now
$13.82124.23%$38 → $31MaintainsBuyGet Alert
07/20/2022CZRBuy Now
Caesars Entertainment
$38.5481.63%$105 → $70MaintainsBuyGet Alert
07/20/2022RRRBuy Now
Red Rock Resorts
$60.44-25.55%$65 → $45MaintainsBuyGet Alert
07/20/2022PENNBuy Now
PENN Entertainment
$19.45146.79%$60 → $48MaintainsBuyGet Alert
07/20/2022BYDBuy Now
Boyd Gaming
$59.2435.03%$90 → $80MaintainsBuyGet Alert
04/19/2022MGMBuy Now
MGM Resorts Intl
$46.433.38%$51 → $48MaintainsHoldGet Alert
04/19/2022CZRBuy Now
Caesars Entertainment
$38.54172.44%$110 → $105MaintainsBuyGet Alert
04/19/2022MCRIBuy Now
Monarch Casino & Resort
$70.4242.01%$88 → $100MaintainsBuyGet Alert
04/19/2022BALYBuy Now
$13.82174.86%$53 → $38MaintainsBuyGet Alert
04/19/2022PENNBuy Now
PENN Entertainment
$19.45208.48%$65 → $60MaintainsBuyGet Alert
02/22/2022DKNGBuy Now
$38.51-42.87%$30 → $22MaintainsHoldGet Alert