Christopher Marinac's Stock Ratings

Janney Montgomery Scott Analyst

Christopher Marinac is an analyst at Janney Montgomery Scott. Analyst ratings are quantitative and qualitative analysis of a stock by Wall Street stock rating analysts. Stock ratings consist of expected future growth, current stock valuation and macroeconomic trends. Updated 03/26/2025

Overall Average Return


Smart Score


Overall Average Return Percentile


Number of Ratings

Buy NowGet Alert
02/07/2025FBNCBuy Now
First Bancorp
Christopher Marinac53%
DowngradeBuy → NeutralGet Alert
01/24/2025TRMKBuy Now
Christopher Marinac53%
→ $42Initiates → BuyGet Alert
11/22/2024NKSHBuy Now
National Bankshares
Christopher Marinac53%
→ $38UpgradeNeutral → BuyGet Alert
10/24/2024FBMSBuy Now
First Bancshares
Christopher Marinac53%
DowngradeBuy → NeutralGet Alert
07/31/2024PFCBuy Now
Premier Financial
Christopher Marinac53%
DowngradeBuy → NeutralGet Alert
10/12/2023CVCYBuy Now
Central Valley Community
Christopher Marinac53%
→ $20UpgradeNeutral → BuyGet Alert
08/30/2023BCBPBuy Now
BCB Bancorp
Christopher Marinac53%
Initiates → BuyGet Alert
04/24/2023SNVBuy Now
Synovus Finl
Christopher Marinac53%
→ $38UpgradeNeutral → BuyGet Alert
03/14/2023HWCBuy Now
Hancock Whitney
Christopher Marinac53%
→ $44.5DowngradeBuy → NeutralGet Alert
02/15/2023CBANBuy Now
Colony Bankcorp
Christopher Marinac53%
→ $14DowngradeBuy → NeutralGet Alert
01/19/2023UCBIBuy Now
United Community Banks
Christopher Marinac53%
DowngradeBuy → NeutralGet Alert
11/09/2022FBMSBuy Now
First Bancshares
Christopher Marinac53%
UpgradeNeutral → BuyGet Alert
07/28/2022FBMSBuy Now
First Bancshares
Christopher Marinac53%
DowngradeBuy → NeutralGet Alert
06/03/2022FGBIBuy Now
First Guaranty Bancshares
Christopher Marinac53%
DowngradeBuy → NeutralGet Alert
06/02/2022FVCBBuy Now
Christopher Marinac53%
DowngradeBuy → NeutralGet Alert
03/01/2022FHNBuy Now
First Horizon
Christopher Marinac53%
DowngradeBuy → NeutralGet Alert
02/23/2022PFCBuy Now
Premier Financial
Christopher Marinac53%
UpgradeNeutral → BuyGet Alert
02/16/2022PFBCBuy Now
Preferred Bank
Christopher Marinac53%
→ $95UpgradeNeutral → BuyGet Alert
08/27/2021FCNCABuy Now
First Citizens BancShares
Christopher Marinac53%
→ $1075Initiates → BuyGet Alert
05/24/2021CBANBuy Now
Colony Bankcorp
Christopher Marinac53%
→ $22Initiates → BuyGet Alert
05/03/2021AMTBBuy Now
Amerant Bancorp
Christopher Marinac53%
→ $23.5UpgradeNeutral → BuyGet Alert
03/16/2021SFSTBuy Now
Southern First Bancshares
Christopher Marinac53%
→ $57.5DowngradeBuy → NeutralGet Alert
01/19/2021FSRLBuy Now
First Reliance Bancshares
Christopher Marinac53%
Initiates → BuyGet Alert
01/19/2021UBABBuy Now
United Bancorp Alabama
Christopher Marinac53%
Initiates → BuyGet Alert
12/21/2020FGBIBuy Now
First Guaranty Bancshares
Christopher Marinac53%
Initiates → BuyGet Alert
04/30/2020RBNCBuy Now
Reliant Bancorp
Christopher Marinac53%
→ $18UpgradeNeutral → BuyGet Alert
01/21/2020RFBuy Now
Regions Finl
Christopher Marinac53%
UpgradeNeutral → BuyGet Alert
10/17/2019PFBCBuy Now
Preferred Bank
Christopher Marinac53%
DowngradeBuy → NeutralGet Alert
07/25/2019RBNCBuy Now
Reliant Bancorp
Christopher Marinac53%
DowngradeBuy → NeutralGet Alert