Maggie Nolan's Stock Ratings

William Blair Analyst

Maggie Nolan is an analyst at William Blair. Analyst ratings are quantitative and qualitative analysis of a stock by Wall Street stock rating analysts. Stock ratings consist of expected future growth, current stock valuation and macroeconomic trends. Updated 03/18/2025

Overall Average Return


Smart Score


Overall Average Return Percentile


Number of Ratings

Buy NowGet Alert
03/12/2025MGICBuy Now
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Maggie Nolan37%
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Ingram Micro Holding
Maggie Nolan37%
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05/06/2024PRFTBuy Now
Maggie Nolan37%
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Thoughtworks Holding
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Maggie Nolan37%
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Cognizant Tech Solns
Maggie Nolan37%
UpgradeMarket Perform → OutperformGet Alert
08/10/2020KORBuy Now
Corvus Gold
Maggie Nolan37%
$7.4 → $9.4MaintainsBuyGet Alert
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Corvus Gold
Maggie Nolan37%
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Corvus Gold
Maggie Nolan37%
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04/08/2020KORBuy Now
Corvus Gold
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11/20/2019KORBuy Now
Corvus Gold
Maggie Nolan37%
$6.9 → $5.8Reiterates → BuyGet Alert
08/19/2019KORBuy Now
Corvus Gold
Maggie Nolan37%
$4.4 → $6.9MaintainsBuyGet Alert