Abhishek Sinha's Stock Ratings

Northland Capital Markets Analyst

Abhishek Sinha is an analyst at Northland Capital Markets. Analyst ratings are quantitative and qualitative analysis of a stock by Wall Street stock rating analysts. Stock ratings consist of expected future growth, current stock valuation and macroeconomic trends. Updated 03/19/2025

Overall Average Return


Smart Score


Overall Average Return Percentile


Number of Ratings

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11/30/2023AMPSBuy Now
Altus Power
Abhishek Sinha15%
→ $10Initiates → OutperformGet Alert
11/10/2023PLUGBuy Now
Plug Power
Abhishek Sinha15%
→ $7DowngradeOutperform → Market PerformGet Alert
11/02/2023RUNBuy Now
Abhishek Sinha15%
→ $12DowngradeOutperform → Market PerformGet Alert
09/06/2023MPBuy Now
MP Materials
Abhishek Sinha15%
UpgradeMarket Perform → OutperformGet Alert
09/05/2023CLNEBuy Now
Clean Energy Fuels
Abhishek Sinha15%
→ $7.5Initiates → OutperformGet Alert
08/21/2023GEVOBuy Now
Abhishek Sinha15%
→ $2Initiates → Market PerformGet Alert
07/14/2023PLUGBuy Now
Plug Power
Abhishek Sinha15%
→ $22UpgradeMarket Perform → OutperformGet Alert
06/02/2023AMPXBuy Now
Amprius Technologies
Abhishek Sinha15%
→ $16Initiates → OutperformGet Alert
05/24/2023EVGOBuy Now
Abhishek Sinha15%
$9 → $7MaintainsMarket PerformGet Alert
05/11/2023PLUGBuy Now
Plug Power
Abhishek Sinha15%
$25 → $13MaintainsMarket PerformGet Alert
04/18/2023MPBuy Now
MP Materials
Abhishek Sinha15%
$48 → $32DowngradeOutperform → Market PerformGet Alert
02/13/2023BEEMBuy Now
Beam Glb
Abhishek Sinha15%
→ $25Initiates → OutperformGet Alert
12/27/2022LEVBuy Now
Lion Electric
Abhishek Sinha15%
→ $5Initiates → OutperformGet Alert
11/22/2022WBXBuy Now
Abhishek Sinha15%
→ $16Initiates → OutperformGet Alert
11/18/2022NOVABuy Now
Sunnova Energy Intl
Abhishek Sinha15%
$28 → $45MaintainsOutperformGet Alert
10/14/2022EVGOBuy Now
Abhishek Sinha15%
→ $9Initiates → Market PerformGet Alert
09/28/2022RUNBuy Now
Abhishek Sinha15%
→ $60Initiates → OutperformGet Alert
09/07/2022STEMBuy Now
Abhishek Sinha15%
→ $24Initiates → OutperformGet Alert
08/02/2022PLUGBuy Now
Plug Power
Abhishek Sinha15%
→ $25Initiates → Market PerformGet Alert