Anthony Hau's Stock Ratings

Truist Securities Analyst

Anthony Hau is an analyst at Truist Securities. Analyst ratings are quantitative and qualitative analysis of a stock by Wall Street stock rating analysts. Stock ratings consist of expected future growth, current stock valuation and macroeconomic trends. Updated 07/30/2024

Overall Average Return


Smart Score


Overall Average Return Percentile


Number of Ratings

Buy NowGet Alert
07/30/2024REXRBuy Now
Rexford Industrial Realty
$49.738.59%$50 → $54MaintainsBuyGet Alert
07/30/2024ELSBuy Now
Equity Lifestyle Props
$67.443.8%$65 → $70MaintainsHoldGet Alert
07/30/2024PINEBuy Now
Alpine Income Prop Trust
$17.254.38%$16 → $18MaintainsHoldGet Alert
05/15/2024DBRGBuy Now
DigitalBridge Gr
$14.2932.96%$22 → $19MaintainsBuyGet Alert
05/02/2024REXRBuy Now
Rexford Industrial Realty
$49.730.54%$53 → $50MaintainsBuyGet Alert
05/02/2024ELSBuy Now
Equity Lifestyle Props
$67.44-3.62%$72 → $65MaintainsHoldGet Alert
04/16/2024REXRBuy Now
Rexford Industrial Realty
$49.736.58%$57 → $53MaintainsBuyGet Alert
04/16/2024PKSTBuy Now
Peakstone Realty Tr
$13.719.4%$17 → $15MaintainsHoldGet Alert
04/16/2024DBRGBuy Now
DigitalBridge Gr
$14.2953.95%$20 → $22MaintainsBuyGet Alert
03/28/2024GNLBuy Now
Global Net Lease
$8.78-20.27% → $7Initiates → HoldGet Alert
03/18/2024SUIBuy Now
Sun Communities
$126.557.47%$143 → $136MaintainsHoldGet Alert
03/18/2024EQIXBuy Now
$777.0022.27%$915 → $950MaintainsBuyGet Alert
03/18/2024DLRBuy Now
Digital Realty Trust
$147.037.46%$145 → $158MaintainsBuyGet Alert
02/29/2024PLYMBuy Now
Plymouth Industrial REIT
$24.12-0.5%$26 → $24MaintainsBuyGet Alert
02/21/2024PANWBuy Now
Palo Alto Networks
$324.307.92%$385 → $350MaintainsBuyGet Alert
02/20/2024PANWBuy Now
Palo Alto Networks
$324.3018.72%$330 → $385MaintainsBuyGet Alert
02/15/2024REXRBuy Now
Rexford Industrial Realty
$49.7314.62%$61 → $57MaintainsBuyGet Alert
02/15/2024FROGBuy Now
$37.7732.38%$41 → $50MaintainsBuyGet Alert
01/24/2024ELSBuy Now
Equity Lifestyle Props
$67.446.76%$73 → $72MaintainsHoldGet Alert
01/16/2024SUIBuy Now
Sun Communities
$126.5513%$130 → $143DowngradeBuy → HoldGet Alert
01/16/2024ELSBuy Now
Equity Lifestyle Props
$67.448.24%$70 → $73DowngradeBuy → HoldGet Alert
01/16/2024PANWBuy Now
Palo Alto Networks
$324.301.76%$275 → $300MaintainsBuyGet Alert
01/16/2024FROGBuy Now
$37.778.55%$33 → $41MaintainsBuyGet Alert
01/16/2024MAABuy Now
Mid-America Apartment
$143.16UpgradeHold → BuyGet Alert
01/16/2024WSRBuy Now
Whitestone REIT
$13.71UpgradeHold → BuyGet Alert
01/16/2024EQIXBuy Now
$777.0017.76%$871 → $915UpgradeHold → BuyGet Alert
11/06/2023SUIBuy Now
Sun Communities
$126.552.73%$118 → $130MaintainsBuyGet Alert
11/06/2023PLYMBuy Now
Plymouth Industrial REIT
$24.12-0.5%$26 → $24MaintainsBuyGet Alert
10/23/2023SUIBuy Now
Sun Communities
$126.55-6.76%$133 → $118MaintainsBuyGet Alert
10/23/2023REXRBuy Now
Rexford Industrial Realty
$49.73-1.47%$56 → $49MaintainsBuyGet Alert
10/12/2023REXRBuy Now
Rexford Industrial Realty
$49.7312.61% → $56Initiates → BuyGet Alert
09/25/2023PLYMBuy Now
Plymouth Industrial REIT
$24.127.79% → $26ReiteratesBuy → BuyGet Alert
09/20/2023DLRBuy Now
Digital Realty Trust
$147.03-6.14%$130 → $138MaintainsBuyGet Alert
08/17/2023SUIBuy Now
Sun Communities
$126.5516.95%$157 → $148MaintainsBuyGet Alert
08/11/2023PKSTBuy Now
Peakstone Realty Tr
$13.7160.46%$24 → $22MaintainsHoldGet Alert
08/11/2023WSRBuy Now
Whitestone REIT
$13.71-19.74%$10 → $11MaintainsHoldGet Alert
08/11/2023PLYMBuy Now
Plymouth Industrial REIT
$24.127.79%$25 → $26MaintainsBuyGet Alert
07/25/2023ELSBuy Now
Equity Lifestyle Props
$67.4414.18%$75 → $77MaintainsBuyGet Alert
07/25/2023DLRBuy Now
Digital Realty Trust
$147.03-11.58%$175 → $130MaintainsBuyGet Alert
07/07/2023MAABuy Now
Mid-America Apartment
$143.1621.54%$159 → $174MaintainsHoldGet Alert
06/09/2023WSRBuy Now
Whitestone REIT
$13.71-27.03%$9.5 → $10MaintainsHoldGet Alert
06/09/2023SUIBuy Now
Sun Communities
$126.5524.06%$163 → $157MaintainsBuyGet Alert
06/09/2023PINEBuy Now
Alpine Income Prop Trust
$17.25-1.42%$19 → $17MaintainsHoldGet Alert
06/02/2023PKSTBuy Now
Peakstone Realty Trust
$13.7175.04% → $24Initiates → HoldGet Alert
03/31/2023SUIBuy Now
Sun Communities
$126.5528.8%$166 → $163MaintainsBuyGet Alert
03/27/2023MAABuy Now
Mid-America Apartment
$143.1611.06%$178 → $159MaintainsHoldGet Alert
01/17/2023ELSBuy Now
Equity Lifestyle Props
$67.448.24%$71 → $73MaintainsBuyGet Alert
12/05/2022WSRBuy Now
Whitestone REIT
$13.71-27.03%$9 → $10MaintainsHoldGet Alert
12/01/2022SUIBuy Now
Sun Communities
$126.5528.8%$147 → $163MaintainsBuyGet Alert
12/01/2022ELSBuy Now
Equity Lifestyle Props
$67.445.28%$67 → $71MaintainsBuyGet Alert
10/14/2022SUIBuy Now
Sun Communities
$126.5516.16%$193 → $147MaintainsBuyGet Alert
10/14/2022ELSBuy Now
Equity Lifestyle Props
$67.44-0.65%$77 → $67MaintainsBuyGet Alert
08/30/2022WSRBuy Now
Whitestone REIT
$13.71-27.03% → $10Initiates → HoldGet Alert
05/11/2022ELSBuy Now
Equity Lifestyle Props
$67.4415.66% → $78Initiates → BuyGet Alert
01/27/2022PLYMBuy Now
Plymouth Industrial REIT
$24.1228.52% → $31Initiates → BuyGet Alert
01/27/2022PINEBuy Now
Alpine Income Prop Trust
$17.2515.98% → $20Initiates → HoldGet Alert