Faisal Khurshid's Stock Ratings

Leerink Partners Analyst

Faisal Khurshid is an analyst at Leerink Partners. Analyst ratings are quantitative and qualitative analysis of a stock by Wall Street stock rating analysts. Stock ratings consist of expected future growth, current stock valuation and macroeconomic trends. Updated 03/18/2025

Overall Average Return


Smart Score


Overall Average Return Percentile


Number of Ratings

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03/17/2025NRIXBuy Now
Nurix Therapeutics
Faisal Khurshid32%
→ $16Initiates → Market PerformGet Alert
03/17/2025STTKBuy Now
Shattuck Labs
Faisal Khurshid32%
→ $4Initiates → OutperformGet Alert
03/03/2025PLRXBuy Now
Pliant Therapeutics
Faisal Khurshid32%
$33 → $2DowngradeOutperform → Market PerformGet Alert
02/18/2025ATYRBuy Now
aTyr Pharma
Faisal Khurshid32%
→ $16Initiates → OutperformGet Alert
12/27/2024KYMRBuy Now
Kymera Therapeutics
Faisal Khurshid32%
$60 → $60MaintainsOutperformGet Alert
12/11/2024ANIPBuy Now
ANI Pharmaceuticals
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→ $80Initiates → OutperformGet Alert
11/04/2024ZURABuy Now
Zura Bio
Faisal Khurshid32%
→ $15Initiates → OutperformGet Alert
09/09/2024TRVIBuy Now
Trevi Therapeutics
Faisal Khurshid32%
→ $7Assumes → OutperformGet Alert
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PureTech Health
Faisal Khurshid32%
→ $45Assumes → OutperformGet Alert
09/09/2024PLRXBuy Now
Pliant Therapeutics
Faisal Khurshid32%
→ $33Assumes → OutperformGet Alert
09/09/2024IRWDBuy Now
Ironwood Pharmaceuticals
Faisal Khurshid32%
→ $5Initiates → Market PerformGet Alert
09/09/2024GLPGBuy Now
Faisal Khurshid32%
→ $24Initiates → Market PerformGet Alert
09/09/2024GERNBuy Now
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→ $7Initiates → OutperformGet Alert
09/09/2024MNKDBuy Now
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→ $8Assumes → OutperformGet Alert
09/09/2024KYMRBuy Now
Kymera Therapeutics
Faisal Khurshid32%
→ $60Assumes → OutperformGet Alert
09/09/2024IMUXBuy Now
Faisal Khurshid32%
→ $5Assumes → OutperformGet Alert
03/19/2024FUSNBuy Now
Fusion Pharmaceuticals
Faisal Khurshid32%
$17 → $21DowngradeOutperform → Market PerformGet Alert
03/21/2023RAINBuy Now
Rain Oncology
Faisal Khurshid32%
→ $11Initiates → OutperformGet Alert