James McGarragle's Stock Ratings

RBC Capital Analyst

James McGarragle is an analyst at RBC Capital. Analyst ratings are quantitative and qualitative analysis of a stock by Wall Street stock rating analysts. Stock ratings consist of expected future growth, current stock valuation and macroeconomic trends. Updated 07/09/2024

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07/08/2024SJBuy Now
$0.939969.63% → $94DowngradeOutperform → Sector PerformGet Alert
05/29/2024CAEBuy Now
$18.8064.89%$34 → $31MaintainsOutperformGet Alert
05/21/2024GRABuy Now
→ $3.25ReiteratesOutperform → OutperformGet Alert
04/11/2024STLCBuy Now
Stelco Holdings
→ $46ReiteratesSector Perform → Sector PerformGet Alert
04/04/2024CHRBuy Now
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$2.6034.62% → $3.5Assumes → OutperformGet Alert
04/04/2024BBD.BBuy Now
→ $95ReiteratesOutperform → OutperformGet Alert
04/04/2024ACBuy Now
Air Canada
$34.11-47.23% → $18Assumes → Sector PerformGet Alert
02/05/2024STLCBuy Now
Stelco Holdings
→ $46ReiteratesSector Perform → Sector PerformGet Alert
12/04/2023GRABuy Now
→ $3.25Initiates → OutperformGet Alert
08/11/2023STLCBuy Now
Stelco Holdings
$47 → $43MaintainsSector PerformGet Alert
07/31/2023STLCBuy Now
Stelco Holdings
→ $47MaintainsSector PerformGet Alert
03/24/2023STLCBuy Now
Stelco Holdings
→ $52Assumes → Sector PerformGet Alert

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