Christopher Dendrinos's Stock Ratings

RBC Capital Analyst

Christopher Dendrinos is an analyst at RBC Capital. Analyst ratings are quantitative and qualitative analysis of a stock by Wall Street stock rating analysts. Stock ratings consist of expected future growth, current stock valuation and macroeconomic trends. Updated 03/18/2025

Overall Average Return


Smart Score


Overall Average Return Percentile


Number of Ratings

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03/18/2025GEVBuy Now
GE Vernova
Christopher Dendrinos60%
$453 → $445MaintainsOutperformGet Alert
03/17/2025NXTBuy Now
Christopher Dendrinos60%
→ $55Initiates → OutperformGet Alert
03/17/2025ARRYBuy Now
Array Technologies
Christopher Dendrinos60%
→ $7Initiates → Sector PerformGet Alert
03/04/2025NOVABuy Now
Sunnova Energy Intl
Christopher Dendrinos60%
$5 → $0.75MaintainsSector PerformGet Alert
03/03/2025RUNBuy Now
Christopher Dendrinos60%
$17 → $14MaintainsOutperformGet Alert
02/26/2025SHLSBuy Now
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$9 → $7MaintainsOutperformGet Alert
02/26/2025FSLRBuy Now
First Solar
Christopher Dendrinos60%
$280 → $251MaintainsOutperformGet Alert
02/20/2025SEDGBuy Now
SolarEdge Technologies
Christopher Dendrinos60%
$14 → $15MaintainsSector PerformGet Alert
01/28/2025GEVBuy Now
GE Vernova
Christopher Dendrinos60%
$453 → $453ReiteratesOutperform → OutperformGet Alert
12/11/2024GEVBuy Now
GE Vernova
Christopher Dendrinos60%
$376 → $376ReiteratesOutperform → OutperformGet Alert
12/05/2024CHPTBuy Now
ChargePoint Hldgs
Christopher Dendrinos60%
$2.5 → $2MaintainsSector PerformGet Alert
11/25/2024GEVBuy Now
GE Vernova
Christopher Dendrinos60%
$285 → $376MaintainsOutperformGet Alert
10/24/2024GEVBuy Now
GE Vernova
Christopher Dendrinos60%
$262 → $285MaintainsOutperformGet Alert
10/18/2024GEVBuy Now
GE Vernova
Christopher Dendrinos60%
$262 → $262ReiteratesOutperform → OutperformGet Alert
09/17/2024GEVBuy Now
GE Vernova
Christopher Dendrinos60%
$192 → $246MaintainsOutperformGet Alert
09/03/2024HASIBuy Now
HA Sustainable
Christopher Dendrinos60%
→ $41Initiates → OutperformGet Alert
08/05/2024NOVABuy Now
Sunnova Energy Intl
Christopher Dendrinos60%
$9 → $10MaintainsOutperformGet Alert
07/25/2024GEVBuy Now
GE Vernova
Christopher Dendrinos60%
$180 → $192MaintainsOutperformGet Alert
07/22/2024GEVBuy Now
GE Vernova
Christopher Dendrinos60%
$180 → $180ReiteratesOutperform → OutperformGet Alert
05/30/2024GEVBuy Now
GE Vernova
Christopher Dendrinos60%
$160 → $180MaintainsOutperformGet Alert
04/12/2024GEVBuy Now
GE Vernova
Christopher Dendrinos60%
$160 → $160ReiteratesOutperform → OutperformGet Alert
04/02/2024GEVBuy Now
GE Vernova Inc. Common Stock
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→ $160Initiates → OutperformGet Alert
03/15/2024RUNBuy Now
Christopher Dendrinos60%
$17 → $15MaintainsOutperformGet Alert