Former Trump Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders Makes A Bold Prediction About Ex-President: 'He's Gonna Win, And Win Big'


Former White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders (R) has made a bold prediction about the upcoming 2024 presidential election, foreseeing a significant victory for ex-President Donald Trump.

What Happened: Sanders, who is currently serving as the Governor of Arkansas, expressed her confidence in Trump’s potential win during a recent appearance on Fox News’s “America’s Newsroom.” She stated that Trump has maintained his front-runner status since the beginning of his campaign and is likely to secure a substantial victory in November, reported The Hill on Thursday.

“I still think this is his race, he has clearly been the front-runner since the day he announced. And he has not lost that status, whether it was in the primary or the general, and I fully expect that he's gonna win, and win big in November,” said Sanders, according to the report.

When asked about the possibility of being Trump’s vice-presidential pick, Sanders hinted at her disinterest, stating that she loves her current role as Governor and hopes to continue serving for the next seven years.

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She also highlighted the contrast between Trump and current President Joe Biden in terms of their records of service, particularly on issues like the economy and national security. Sanders believes that these differences will play a significant role in the election’s outcome.

Why It Matters: Sanders’ prediction comes amidst a shifting political landscape. In 2019, Sanders stepped down from her role as White House Press Secretary and returned to her home state of Arkansas.

In 2023, former Trump ally Steve Bannon predicted that Trump would choose a female running mate for the 2024 elections, suggesting that Sanders might be a potential candidate.

Photo Courtesy: Michael Candelori on Shutter

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This story was generated using Benzinga Neuro and edited by Shivdeep Dhaliwal

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Posted In: NewsPoliticsGeneral2024 electionarkansasDonald TrumpSarah Huckabee SandersTrump
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